Things that control how much towing company in Bedford Hills NY charges to tow a car a car costs:
Whenever you call a towing company for a tow service it’s important to give them the exact information of the vehicle to be towed for example the make and model of the car, its location,time and the nature of the problem.
Towing fees in Bedford Hills NY often depend on the size and weight the car,the location of the vehicle also contributes to the price of the tow ,what time you need the service ,is it during the day or it at night. Another main factor of towing charges depends on what the problem is with the car that determine , If your car is stuck in snow or a ditch, you will most likely be hit with winching or recovery charges. Theses prices always vary from job to job. In this case the tow truck will need a special equipment like a winch to get the car loaded onto the truck, in a situation like this you can expect the tow to cost you more money depending on how long it takes. Another factor is how long the process of towing the car will take,how long it will the driver to wait on the car that need to be towed. All these factors will influence the price for towing so there’s no set price when it comes to towing a car,it all depends on the circumstances.
Most tow companies in Bedford Hills NY charge for something called a hook up fee , this fee usually varys from $75-$275 depending on what towing company you call and what situation your car is in. Some areas have legal limits on how much towing companies can charge, whichlimits on what towing companies can charge ,so check to see if your area is one of them. Most of the time along with the hook-up fee you will also Be charges per mile. This price for mileage ussually varys from $4.50 to $10 per mile.
Most car insurance companines offer so kind of towing coverage. So it is always a good idea to give you insurance company a call. Policies will cover some or all the cost of towing service, it is best to first check with your insurance company to see if your policy will cover towing before getting you car towed.
For the best towing prices in Bedford Hills NY. Call Action Towing Service in Bedford hills NY for any towing needs or questions (914)301-4828.